
Entry level Accounting & Bookkeeping for SMEs

Bookkeeping and accounting are crucial aspects for any business, and especially for SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) in Sri Lanka. Having a good grasp of these financial practices allows SMEs to make informed decisions, track their progress, and ensure compliance with tax regulations.

Here’s a breakdown of entry-level bookkeeping and accounting for Sri Lankan SMEs:

Bookkeeping Basics

Bookkeeping is the process of recording financial transactions. It involves tracking all the money coming into (income) and going out of (expenses) your business.

Common Bookkeeping Tasks for SMEs

Accounting for SMEs

Accounting goes beyond just recording transactions. It involves analyzing financial data to understand the financial health of your business. Accountants use this information to prepare financial statements, such as:

Benefits of Proper Bookkeeping and Accounting for SMEs

Resources for Sri Lankan SMEs

There are a number of resources available to help Sri Lankan SMEs learn about bookkeeping and accounting. Here are a few:

Additional Considerations for Sri Lankan SMEs

By understanding the basics of bookkeeping and accounting, and by taking advantage of the available resources, Sri Lankan SMEs can ensure their financial health and success.

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