
Mindset hacks to help you through economic turbulence

Mindset Hacks

The situation in the country has really kept us all on our toes and we are all experiencing anxiety quite a bit regardless of who we are. That said, it is also important to be able to develop some mindset hacks that will help us swim through this wave. Here are some tips to help you do just that.

Reset expectations and ask questions

The shift in the economy provides a perfect excuse to reset your team’s expectations around giving and receiving constructive feedback. If you’re a team leader, try asking, “What three things would you try to change if you were in my role?” Modeling openness to feedback will make it easier for your colleagues to accept feedback themselves.

Be patient

While it’s nice to talk about the benefits of a growth mindset, learning a new practice is challenging and the lack of immediate, measurable progress can be discouraging. Forgive yourself, and be generous with others. Try to focus on the effort being put in and the valuable insights you’re learning from that effort, rather than the lack of immediate results.

Understand psychology

Our mindset is critical to our productivity, inherently linking it to our economy’s performance. Psychologists identify psychological availability as a key driver of employee engagement and work performance. Psychological availability is our capacity to focus on our work, which is diminished when we experience worry and distraction. When someone is preoccupied with the roller coaster ride the economy is taking them on, they are less efficient when they work and, consequently, produce less.

Concentrate on Positivity

Try not to dwell on all that you read and are hearing. Sometimes it’s never as bad as it seems!! Continue to bring your mind to a positive frame of mind. Push this on your employees and at meetings etc. Concentrate on doing your jobs with focus, just for the day. When a number of tasks have been achieved for the day your sense of accomplishment gives you satisfaction and a load of positivity. Teach your team this.

Nobody is saying that this is easy, but just like everything else, an economic crisis will have a peak and then gradually come down. We are still at the beginning stages of this crisis and therefore everything seems bleak, but if we give up now, there certainly will not be hope for tomorrow.

So practice these mindset hacks that will help you navigate the tough times and economic turbulence with ease, to ensure you come out stronger!

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