
Diriya Stories

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Diriya Stories

Sinfully Sweet – a guilty pleasure made into a business by Ashika Senaratne

Ashika Senaratne, is a banking professional turned cake maker and is...

I did it all for a better life for my parents and myself – Kushan Randeni, Design Box

Kushan Randeni, Founder/CEO of Design Box Global fast forwarded his career skipping A/L to go straight into higher education at the age of 17.

How she turned body-shaming to Big Bird Delights – Jovanka Jayaweera

Jovanka Jayaweera a culinary specialist branched out on her own around 4 years ago with Big Bird Delights and today, has grown it into a thriving business.

Fazra Irfan – A Unique concept in Early Learning

Fazra Irfan of Footsteps together with five others have developed this unique concept in Early Learning incorporating international standards.

Not every start is going to work, but every startup is worth a try – Amira Ghaffoor

Amira Ghaffoor started Northwood Consulting Technology about 5 years ago. Today, she employees 10 professionals and her company has grown in success.

The woodwork queen who turns discarded pieces to quality fittings

Shehara Fernando is a female entrepreneur who developed a business out of the sheer necessity of having to take care of herself and her 3 girls.  She speaks of how God’s inspiration and her love for wooden creations turned her into an entrepreneur. 
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Diriya Stories

“Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.” – how brand ‘Ronchard’ was born…..

Ronchard Ranasinghe studied graphic design and worked as a freelancer before deciding to leave it as he didn’t want to only replicate others ideas. During Covid-19 he started experimenting with the culinary arts and today runs his family business while holding down a full-time job. Here he talks about his journey and taking local produce to the world.

The woodwork queen who turns discarded pieces to quality fittings

Shehara Fernando is a female entrepreneur who developed a business out of the sheer necessity of having to take care of herself and her 3 girls.  She speaks of how God’s inspiration and her love for wooden creations turned her into an entrepreneur. 

Sinfully Sweet – a guilty pleasure made into a business by Ashika Senaratne

Ashika Senaratne, is a banking professional turned cake maker and is...