
How to position your brand as a thought leader

  • What is brand thought leadership?
  • Ways of positioning yourself as a brand thought leader 
  • Why is thought leadership important?

A thought-leader is a person or brand that is an informed opinion-leader and usually the first resource in their field of expertise. They are a trusted source that moves and inspires, turns ideas into reality, and shows how to replicate their success. Obviously, having a brand that is viewed as a thought-leader is a very positive thing. Although thought-leadership positioning can be useful when marketing to the consumer, it is particularly effective in the B2B marketplace, where credibility is so crucial. Let’s take a look at a few ways for you to get there.

What is brand thought leadership?

A thought leadership approach to content creation is rooted in educating your target audience. Rather than trying to sell your product or service, you’re providing valuable insights to your readers. Not only does this content educate them but it positions you or your brand as the expert on this topic.

Ways to position your brand as a thought leader 

  • Publish free content regularly – The more valuable content you publish, the more you’ll establish your brand as an authority in your field. In an era of marketing, when people are being bombarded with content, they like value. If you give them something they can enjoy for free, such as an e-book, you can not only establish brand awareness and credibility but also add them to your email list, and then nudge them toward buying your products. The more quality content you create, the better. 
  • Provide high value social media content – Here’s what NOT to do on social media. Don’t constantly send out links to your website, in the mad hope that people will click the link and buy something. Instead, consider yourself an indispensable resource. You have knowledge that others want. Remember, thought leadership is about your audience members, not you. They have problems, and you have advice that can help them. Social media is a great place to build relationships, but only if you keep helpful solutions in the foreground.
  • Bring in your own twist – As a trusted industry expert, you need to do more than re-package the same thoughts and ideas as everyone else. To differentiate yourself from the thousands of other brands out there, your content needs some kind of added value or twist that no one else is talking about.  What can you add to your chosen topic that is new and unique? You might provide a different angle to a common problem or make a bold prediction. However you choose to set your brand apart, make sure you are adding value to your industry’s overall discourse and pushing the conversation forward.
  • Feature third party contributors – In addition to creating your own special content, you can earn the reputation of a thought leader by partnering with outside experts. Other thought leaders will offer unique input and new perspectives on issues related to your brand. While you provide them with a new platform to share their thoughts, you also show your audience that your brand has credibility with other experts.

Establishing your brand as a thought leader in the industry is not an overnight solution. It takes time and consistency. It also demands that you continually listen to the market and understand the needs of your audience and how those evolve. Once you’ve done your research and know the types of content your target audience is looking for, you’ll be able to create a thought leadership content strategy that will keep readers coming back.

Diriya Sri Lanka
Diriya Sri Lanka is a sustainability and social innovation initiative of Dialog Axiata PLC. The content available herein is aimed solely for the purposes of educating, guiding and assisting Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in navigating the challenges of the fast paced business world. As such, Dialog Axiata PLC, its staff, its officers or Directors shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages or damages for any loss of profits, revenue, business, savings or data, incurred due to the use of the content available on

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